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Attendance 2024/25

The table below shows the attendance records for each of the Summerseat Local Advisory Board Members over the current academic year.

Governance Attendance 2024-25

Name Attendance 24-25 Total
  16/10 12/11 28/01 --/-- --/--  
Alison Mitchell Y Y Y     3/3
Catherine Orford N/A N/A Y     1/1
Clare Mariani Y Y Y     3/3
Emily Cole* N/A N/A N     0/1
Julie Whittaker Y Y Y     3/3
Lee Speed Y Y Y     3/3
Lucy Oakes* Y Y N/A     2/2
Luise Fitzwalter N/A N/A Y     1/1
Stephen Ogden Y Y Y     3/3
Sarah Brown N/A N/A Y     1/1

* Emily Cole is deputising for Lucy Oakes from 28th January meeting until further notice.