Acorn Class EYFS (Nur & Rec)
Welcome to Acorn Class
On our class page you will find lots of information about our routines and details about the exciting learning that will be taking place both indoors and outdoors throughout the school year. Keep coming back to check out our learning by clicking on 'News'.
Miss Jones
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Rothwell
General Information
We work to ensure all children have the correct support and guidance whilst feeling happy and content in their learning throughout the day. Each day consists of a balance of child initiated and adult led activities. Please see our timetable for an example of a typical day in Acorn Class.
Our P.E. lessons are on a Monday and a Friday. Children should come to school in their P.E. kits.
Reception's reading books will be changed on a Tuesday. Reception should return their homework books to school on a Wednesday, new homework will be sent home on a Friday.
Useful websites to help with learning at home
Scan the QR code below to see what we have been up to using our computing skills on Purple Mash: