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Beech Class (Year 3&4)

Hello and welcome to Beech. On this page, you will find information about our current topics and all the exciting and fascinating things that we learn. You will also find details about our classroom routines. If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Ward. 


Miss Ward teaches in Beech Class on Monday to Friday. 

The support staff in Beech is Mrs Bolton, who supports Monday to Friday. 

Our PE lessons are on Wednesday and Friday. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days.  For the first half of Autumn term, Beech Class will have Well-being through sport and PSHE on a Friday mornings.


Each child will have their own reading diary where you can record the reading you do at home. Beech staff will also include comments about the reading activities which the children have participated in during Guided Reading lessons, each week, as well as any feedback from 1:1 reading. Please bring these reading records to school every day so we can keep them up to date and know all about the books you are reading at home. Alongside our school reading scheme, we have our Summerseat Super Stories, which are a set of 50 books we recommend so that children experience a wide range of quality texts. Reading books need to be returned each Friday and a new reading book will be sent home. Please try to read for ten minutes each evening because, not only will you experience many wonderful stories, but you will also increase your reading stamina, improve your reading skills and also develop your writing skills at the same time as you will develop a wider vocabulary. 


Each week, we have a different focus for our spelling lesson, although we will revisit previous patterns on a regular basis. In our daily spelling lessons, we will focus on a specific pattern and a list of words with this pattern will be sent home. These words will be practised in class, but extra practise at home would be very beneficial. Try to spot these words in the books you read or use them in context by writing sentences using the words from the spelling list. Our spelling assessment will take place each Thursday. 

Times tables

Times tables form an important part of the Maths curriculum and being fluent in recall for multiplication and division facts will make many aspects of Maths easier. By the end of Year 4, it is expected that children should be able to confidently recall all multiplication and division facts up to, and including, the twelve times table. In class, we will practise times table on a daily basis. The children will bring home practice sheets for the times table each week as part of their homework, and we would encourage you to use TTRockstars regularly to improve your fluency.