Vision, Values & Ethos
At Summerseat Methodist Primary, our vision, ethos and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our children to become lifelong learners; creating a safe and inclusive learning environment that nurtures individuality and enhances potential. Our vision was created following consultation with governors, pupils, staff, parents and the community.
Our vision, aims, ethos and values can be found below.
Our Vision & Aims
Aim - We support our children to respect and believe in themselves and their community, and to explore their faith and beliefs.
Outcome - Children will know differences are positive, and that individual characteristics make people unique. Everyone should love and be loved.
Aim - As a caring Christian community, we are committed to developing a love of learning and an understanding of the world around us. Our curriculum will enable pupils to flourish, find their talents and reach their full potential. We have high expectations for all our pupils.
Outcome - Children will have the confidence to explore learning opportunities, both independently and collaboratively, and develop a 'have a go’ attitude. We will support them to understand not getting things right is an important part of the learning process. They will achieve academic and personal success now and in the future.
Aim - Inspired by Christ, our children will be full of hope, joy and love. They will be excited by the future that awaits them.
Outcome - Children will leave us with aspirations and an awareness of the endless possibilities that God provides. They will live life in all its fullness.
Our Ethos & Values
At Summerseat Methodist Primary School, we pride ourselves on offering all of our pupils a safe, calm, happy and nurturing learning environment so children can learn effectively, enabling them to access the full breadth of our curriculum offer and ultimately reach their full potential.
We recognise our school context and want children to leave us with a strong moral and spiritual compass; respecting and celebrating diversity and promoting resilience, care and individuality. We hold high aspirations for all our pupils and want them to grow into successful and responsible adults of the future.
As a church school, we have identified and uphold the following core Christian values that help us achieve our ethos and vision: joy, teamwork, love, respect, care, trust, forgiveness and equality. We explore these values in a variety of ways through story, assemblies, our PSHE curriculum and in all our day-to-day interactions. Each year group has been given a primary value to explore, with an opportunity to share their new learning with our wider community through class led worship.
At Summerseat Methodist Primary School, alongside our Christian values, we promote fundamental British values which complement our Christian values and ethos.
We reinforce and promote British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.