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Welcome from our Chair of Governors

Dear Parents and Friends

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Summerseat Methodist Primary School. As governors, teachers, staff, parents and children it's our mission to work together to create a creative, happy and high-performing environment; with respect, honesty, equality and forgiveness forming the foundation for everything that we do.

The Governing Body are involved with our school at every level, ensuring every decision we and our team make, puts the needs and education of our children at the forefront of our decision-making. Our most critical role as governors should be the education, welfare and, most importantly, safety of our children.

We are incredibly proud of the children in our school. They continuously strive to achieve high standards - as governors and as a school we could not be more thankful to our fantastic parents who support and encourage their children admirably. At Summerseat we pride ourselves on providing not just a high-quality academic education, but also providing social, emotional, and mental health education, ensuring our children leave us in Year 6 the most well-rounded individuals they can be.

As Governors we set the strategic vision for our school and hold our Leadership team to account. As a Governing Body we have a robust plan to ensure the education in our school is of the highest quality and the outcomes for our children are the best they can be.

Should you wish to contact me to discuss any matter further, then please do not hesitate to email using;

Yours faithfully,

Clare Mariani
Chair of Governors